Sunday, September 03, 2006


Hello Everyone.
I am confused with what information i have emailed and what i have posted on my blog. Once i have some more time i will figure out which one to use and stick with it. I had my post visit to Kouande last week. It is a really beautiful town east of Natitangou. It is at the bottom of a hill, and reminds me very much of the Shenandoah valley. There are also goats everywhere! I met with the ONG=NGO that i will be working with called PELCA. They are working with waste management and the creation of botanical gardens. They also want to promote agroforestry. There should be a lot of work. I am interested in some secondary projects such as Women empowerment and there is even a local radio that i might have a show on. Kouande is about to get some Coltrane. My house is nice; a large salon with two bedrooms. a shower *term used very lightly*. and a cooking area out back. water is from a tap not far from the house and a latrine not far either. They speak Bariba in Kouande where i will be living for 2 years and they speak Ditamari in Perma where i will be for another 2 weeks. I hope to bust out the camera the last week in Perma to take pictures of the house; area and my family. Thought i would give everyone a quick update. Swearing in should be in about 2 and a half weeks. After that time my address should change. I sill will receive mail sent to the first address. Hope everyone is doing well. i miss you all.

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