Monday, September 25, 2006

Earlier Than I Thought

So im writing you all much earlier than i expected to have. Well I left Perma with all my stuff in a Bush Taxi (a full and a single matteras and bicycle on top) this morning. After a delay of 1 day because the driver wasn't ready. We left at 7:30AM a full 30 min earlier that he said we would leave, not very Beninoise at all. Had to say bye to my family and the other PCVs. My family was sad and wanted me to stay; i had to tell them i would try and come visit them during Christmas. So we left and got to Kouande only to find that the house was not ready and someone was living there still. I tried to find my supervisor but he wasn't there. Ended up coming back to Nati to get in touch with him. Turns out that the house will be ready on October 1st. So for the next week i will be living in the old peace corps volunteer house (which looks like it has been abandoned for years) till the new house is ready. Will spend the night here in Nati at the workstation then head back to the rundown house tomorrow. Its been a long day.
On the plus i did have some awesome beans with wagasi (cheese) and gari for 200CFA (1dollar = 500 CFA)
-Dutch Out

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Hello Everyone.
I am confused with what information i have emailed and what i have posted on my blog. Once i have some more time i will figure out which one to use and stick with it. I had my post visit to Kouande last week. It is a really beautiful town east of Natitangou. It is at the bottom of a hill, and reminds me very much of the Shenandoah valley. There are also goats everywhere! I met with the ONG=NGO that i will be working with called PELCA. They are working with waste management and the creation of botanical gardens. They also want to promote agroforestry. There should be a lot of work. I am interested in some secondary projects such as Women empowerment and there is even a local radio that i might have a show on. Kouande is about to get some Coltrane. My house is nice; a large salon with two bedrooms. a shower *term used very lightly*. and a cooking area out back. water is from a tap not far from the house and a latrine not far either. They speak Bariba in Kouande where i will be living for 2 years and they speak Ditamari in Perma where i will be for another 2 weeks. I hope to bust out the camera the last week in Perma to take pictures of the house; area and my family. Thought i would give everyone a quick update. Swearing in should be in about 2 and a half weeks. After that time my address should change. I sill will receive mail sent to the first address. Hope everyone is doing well. i miss you all.