Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Its funny how when people come into my house the first thing they do is look around with puzzlement. At first I thought they were just looking at how I had chosen to decorate my house, but their following question points to the heart of the perplexity: ‘Don’t you like television?’ Since anyone with enough money should have a television. I do like television but the only channel that you can pick up without a satellite dish is ORTB, the public Beninese one. This is a station that for an hour each night displays photographs of dead people with their names and the number of years that they have been dead for. The first thirty minutes is for Christians then the following half hour for Muslims. People pay a hundred dollars to commemorate the anniversary of a dead family member for decades. This is one reason I do not have a television set. However I wouldn’t be surprised is you start seeing this show in the new fall lineup. Writers not needed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I imagine their is not much time left for you there. I'm anxious to hear your plans. Lucian comes home for a visit in two weeks. Jillian is graduating and their cousin Kacey is getting married. Jillian took on a residency in pediatric dentistry in Brooklyn. So, we have much to look forward to this month. Stay well and happy.
Mama Reynolds