Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Rome Again

I have been home for 8 days already. I have to say I have gotten used and started taking for granted most things fairly fast, such as having a bathroom only feet from your bedroom, or being able to enjoy a cold glass of milk. One thing however that is just as amazing at the first time is a hot shower. Checking email from my bedroom on my laptop with the wireless is pretty awesome too. Lest not forget how crazy the drivers are here, it’s a shock every time.

The weather has been ranging from close to 0 ºC to 17ºC. So it’s hard to tell if I’m getting used to that too, or it just has been warmer than the day I arrived. I did go shopping with my mom for new clothes on the second day here. Since I only had one pair of jeans and no jacket. We made several tactical strikes on an outlet mall. Mission Accomplished … and I’m looking good.

When I start speaking Itlaian I have to consciously battle to keep French suppressed. If I don’t think before I speak my Italian will turn into French. The first couple of days were bad but slowing its coming back. This is the longest since we moved to Rome in 1990 that I have been away from the Eternal City.

In closing; happy holidays to everyone. I hope that you are able to spend time with your family and the people closest to you.


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