After a fairly uneventful but very long trip I finally made it back to Benin with mixed feelings I have to say. The temperature in the south is fantastic right now, since it’s the cold season or l’harmattan. When I was taking a Zemidjan around Cotonou getting some errands done I felt very much back at home and comfortable. The traffic even seemed somewhat subdued in comparison to the chaos that is Roman traffic. I spend 2 days in Cotonou (always a good idea before the harsh transition to village life) where Lizzy surprised me at the airport, what a great birthday present! I also was cornered into getting the flu shot at the bureau and managed to turn in my next vacation form a trip to Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. After the 8 hour bus ride (leaving at 7am) I finally arrived in the North, Natitingou to be exact. From here is just the little, if not cramped bush taxi ride to Kouandé. Overall I am happy to be back, however on the down side I found out that there has been no work done on the gardening project. That is 3 weeks where absolutely nothing has been done. I wasn’t expecting very much but at least something would have been nice to come back to. Oh well.
n'kua sosi